follow in sb.'s foot steps

学习《follow in sb.'s foot steps》怎么用


In daughter's foot steps
Footlights Follow in Steps of Cleese; Preview: New Autumn Season: Torch Theatre, Milford Haven
Prediction and follow-up of failure and fallouts in footwall drifts in...
Hands-free step-in closure apparatus
Adugu jadalu, action chitrala big boss - K.S.R. Das (In foot steps, Master of action movies - K.S.R. Das)
Magnetic resonance imaging in follow-up of treated clubfoot during childhood
[Ranitidin--in cimetidine's foot steps]
Community Choir Gives Sylvia, 73, Chance to Follow in Her Mother's Footlights
McCain describes world as he pictures it if he wins the White House ; Vision rebuts idea that he will follow in Bush's footsteps
LISA TO FOLLOW IN FLATLEY'S FOOTSEPS; EXCLUSIVE Model's Irish Dancing Bid to Represent Country in Europe